Beach Lovin’

There is just something about the beach that makes it such a great place to be. It may be the sound of the sound of the waves rolling onto the shore or maybe the feeling of the sun’s warmth on my skin. Whatever it is… I love it.

I know some people don’t like the beach but I loovve it! It’s the perfect place to kick back and relax, listen to the newest music, flip through the latest magazines, and even scope out the cutest guys! I even like the smell of my sunscreen (it’s coconut)!

As you can probably tell, I went to the beach today with my sister and my friend. We went to Jones Beach which is about an hour drive from where I live but it was worth it because there are not many good beaches in Westchester County (they’re all smelly, yuck!).  The waves were huge today, they were so much fun! We splashed around in the water and laid out in the sun. I say all-in-all it was an enjoyable day.

I just got my park pass for the local beaches around here so when I get my junior license (which sounds be in about a month!!) I can go to the beach whenever I want! Now that would be the life…

Anyways, this was the first time in a very long time that I went to the beach without getting the least bit sunburned! I think I actually got a little tan too! This never happens I usually burn and then peel and I turn back to paleness, but this time was different and i like it!

xoxo, lindsay